Orchestra/Opera Conductor
“Dvorak’s portrait of Unai Urrecho was to be framed. He is an elegant and precise maestro, a conductor who knows and conceives the sound and who knows very well what he wants to extract from the orchestra” –El Mundo Clásico (2021)
“Unai Urrecho, in a meticulously prepared version of supreme musical intelligence, knew how to get the best out of the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa, moving it away from being merely an accompanist to leading its members with elegance and subtlety, but also power and verve, always respecting the singers’ work” – Ópera Actual (2022)
With this message I like to thank you for taking time and visiting my website. I hope you will find it interesting.
This website has been designed by Eduardo Garcia and Maria Arraiza. The photographer who took conducting photos is Jong-Hoon Lee and with trombone is Bon-Suk Ku.
Please, feel free to visit anytime!
Thank you very much!
Gracias por visitar mi página web. Con este mensaje me gustaría agradecerles su visita y espero que les guste.
Esta web está diseñado por Eduardo García y María Arraiza. Las fotos de director están tomadas por el fotógrafo Jong-Hoon Lee y con el trombón Bon-Suk Ku.
Un cordial saludo,
These are my upcoming events and concerts!
Write me a message and I will contact you within a day!